Starting a Freelance Business: Easy A Step-by-Step Guide (2024)

Starting a freelance business can be both challenging and rewarding.  If You stay persistent, continue honing your skills, and put your best foot forward in every project you undertake, with dedication and hard work, you’ll establish yourself as a sought-after professional and create a thriving freelance business that stands the test of time. But how…

How to Start a Coaching Business In 2024 (Easy Guide)

According to the International Coaching Federation, coaching is an evolving industry with an estimated annual turnover of $2.85 million. Sadly 82% of coaches fail within the first two years. But don’t be discouraged. In this article, I’ll walk you through 11 essential steps to launch a successful coaching business from scratch in 2024. From identifying…

23 Side Business Ideas In 2024 – Trends, Pros and Cons

Are you looking for ways to start a business that can run alongside your current job or become a full-time venture supporting your lifestyle and expenses? Side business requires a structured approach, a formal legal setup, a business plan, and substantial time and monetary investment.  But with the rise of technology and easily accessible information…